This baby from rural north karnataka was finding it difficult in surviving because it was not able to get treatment due to complexity of disease and cost involved.The child was taken up for high risk cardiac surgery and now is fit for discharge.
A child from tribal area of Karnataka underwent a successful Valve repair a complex surgery ,(performed in very few centres in country ). … to invest in children and their well-being is the greatest contribution v can give to our future !!!! Indebted to Prof Dr Devagouru AIIMS ( New Delhi ) an authority in valve repair s our guide in valve repair s . Special thanks to all our friends and colleagues We are greatful to all who join us in creating better hearts!!
BEING THANKFULL Li****had come back for a follow up with Dr Tameem.. She had undergone a valve replacement surgery two months ago.She is completely healthy and living a normal life now.. HERE IS A LOVELY PICTURE OF LI****
7 year old with a complex heart disease needs needs a corrective surgery admitted under Dr.Tameem Ahmed,Father is a welder.Please contribute and help by donating to save this kid’s life.
The child was operated for TAPVC successfully.
HAPPY AND PROUD MOMENT FOR ALL OF US.. Li**** is a 39 year old lady from West Bengal, who was diagnosed with Rheumatic heart disease with severe mitral valve regurgitation .The only remedy was life saving cardiac surgery. Li**** is basically from an economically backward family and could not afford the cost of the surgery. YOUNG HEARTS FOUNDATION came up as helping hands and took care of the surgery financially. The surgery was performed by Dr.Tameem Ahmed and his team in Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital Bangalore.She has completely recovered and is leading a healthy life with her family.
A one year child from rural Karnataka,,, suffering from a complex congenital heart disease called TAPVC ,, in which there are abnormal connections in the heart ,. without surgical correction this child might not be lucky enough to see the second year of life … and with surgery which involves risk s .. the baby will be able to get back to normal life .. ,,
A 13 year girl suffering from R.H.D with severe Mitral regurgitation has come to us for surgery she is from a compromised social economic background with her father being a Agricultural labourer. The surgery needed is a valve repair which is done in few centers in India. The cost of the procedure is approx 3 lakhs . Join us to help this child to get to normal life.
Umme Harshiya is a four year old baby girl who underwent an open heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect known as Ebstein anomaly. Umme’s parents are from Hubli, a city 400 kilometres from Bangalore in the north of Karnataka state. Umme’s father, Abdul Sul is a scrap scavenger on the roads of Hubli. Her echocardiography examination revealed a dilated right atrium and right ventricle with severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR). This Ebstein anomaly has been diagnosed because of a dysfunctional tricuspid valve between the right atrium and right ventricle. There was an apical displacement of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, which required reconstruction surgically. Umme Harshiya’s surgery was planned on 11 Dec and done as per plan,A complex procedure lasting this long, requiring such a large team of professionals would usually cost a fortune, well beyond Abdul’s reach. Umme’s life and heart would continue to be at critical risk, if not for the operation. This procedure has been partially supported by the government’s BPL scheme and with the Help of Young Hearts Foundation’s financial assistance. On the table, the surgeon discovered that the tricuspid valve was far worse than he predicted. Almost the entire structure of the valve needed to be reconstructed. He used a piece of the pericardial tissue to repair the valve, meticulously tearing it apart and building it back again. He constantly put his reconstruction to test by manually filling the right ventricle with saline solution and checking for regurgitation. While coming off the bypass and restarting Umme’s heart, the team noticed some irregular rhythms that culminated in a second degree conduction block (Mobitz type I). The team decided to wait and watch for the conduction abnormality to correct itself. After an hour of persisting, the decision was made to keep the heart beating on a temporary pacemaker, which was removed after normal sinus rhythm was restored during ICU care. After observation in the ICU following the complex surgery, Umme was finally shifted to post-operative care and was discharged after everything was normal and kid was fit and fine.
Baby from Uganda after a complex heart surgery.
This Child Sujatha who is 8 years old from Haveri district had C/o difficulty in Breathing,URTI since 9 months.Thus they came for clininical evaluation.In the clinical Evaluation she was diagnosed CHD,Large PDA(L-R)Shunt size 8mm,Failed PDA device.She underwent PDA Ligation done on 31st dec 2019.Post operation stay was uneventful.Patient was stable so it was discharged on 7th jan 2020.The surgery was done with help of Government schemes but YHF assisted in post op care.The father of this child is a economically weak agriculture labourer and could not afford for the surgery but Dr.Tameem took the initiative stood by the child.We once Again thank the Government schemes and YHF assistance without which this would not be possible.
Sudha aged 8year/female, admitted with Recurrent LRTI on and off. On clinical evaluation and ECHO, She was diagnosed to have CHD, PARTIAL AV CANAL DEFECT (LARGE OP-ASD,SMALL INLET VSD(LR SHUNT), DIALATED RA AND RV).She underwent AVSD repair [Single patch technique] DONE ON 02/01/2020.Post operative stay was uneventful. Patient is being discharged in a stable condition on 9th Jan 2020.This girl Sudha was from a small village near Davangere And her father is a Daily wage labaourer in a brick factory.They some how came to our Dr.Tameem Ahmed and he did the operation with the help of Governments schemes and he was assisted by YHF for post operational care.
Pradeep is an eight year old boy who underwent a surgery with us to repair a ventricular septal defect (VSD) on 10 December 2019. His Single mother, Lata comes from Magadi where she raised Pradeep. Lata is a single mom who’s been struggling financially, doing odd jobs to make ends meet. Lata currently lives with her mother who is the only person to support her. Pradeep’s VSD was diagnosed when he was 3 months old. Since then he has manifested regular fevers and upper respiratory tract infections.He was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism.His echocardiography revealed large hole separating the left and right heart below the aorta causing fresh, oxygenated blood to flow back into the lungs instead of the rest of his body. During the surgery, the team confirmed the VSD on table with right atrial and right ventricular dilation. Pradeep’s heart also showed mild to moderate aortic regurgitation (AR) and mild tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Under the charge of Dr Tameem, anaesthesiologist, and his team of Doctors,nurses, perfusionists and technicians, the surgery was carried out successfully in a few hours. A post-op echo was performed again on Pradeep and there was no VSD, and no AR or TR observed. After a couple of days under observation in the ICU and post-operative care soon after, Pradeep was finally discharged on 19 December. He travelled back to Magadi with his mother Lata and his grandmother. He endured a complex procedure on his heart, despite their financial shortcomings, and now his family can be assured that Pradeep will grow into a healthy boy with his repaired congenital defect. All this was possible because of Governments BPL Scheme and Young hearts foundation’s financial assistance.
Parimala Vannur aged 10year/Female, admitted with Recurrent URTI since birth on 27th Dec 2019..On clinical evaluation and ECHO, She was diagnosed to have CHD,LARGE OS ASD L-R SHUNT, SIZE 3.4CM DILATED RA/RV. She underwent ASD Surgical Closure Done On 04/01/2020. Post operative stay was uneventful. Patient is being discharged in a stable condition on 9th jan 2020.Parimala is Daughter of Siddappa Vannur from Rona taluq Gadag district in North Karnataka.Vannur is a very poor guy who earns his living by doing a [porter job in a Mandi.The operation was done with the help of government scheme and also with the timely help of YHF or post op care.